Advice for Choosing a Lawyer: Don’t Tell Me Just What I Want to Hear

Choosing a lawyer can be a difficult process.  Legal matters often require you to put trust into a person who you may only know through a website or referral.  For anyone choosing a lawyer, there are many things one should keep in mind when making this choice.  Here, I want to focus on what I consider to be an essential consideration in choosing a lawyer: finding someone who won’t tell you only what you want to hear.  This applies to all areas of law, but especially the practice areas that I cover.

Good Legal Advice Is Not Always the News You Want to Hear

When I meet with potential clients, it is not uncommon to have people ask me for a guarantee that they will win their case . . . regardless of the circumstances.  Sometimes, I suspect that the potential client simply wants an attorney to tell them what they want to hear.  Admittedly, this can be tempting, when the potential client is sympathetic and trying to do the right thing.

Of course, if the potential client has a strong case, I’m happy to tell them so and get to work.  But, if the case is not strong, it is important that the potential client knows this before making the decision to go forward.

In my practice, I follow a simple rule: good legal advice needs to be accurate and honest.  Nobody benefits from following a legal strategy that is doomed from the start and filled with unrealistic expectations.  When choosing a lawyer, look for someone who will tell you what you need to hear, and not only what you want to hear.

Be Wary of Taking Legal Advice From Non-Reputable Sources

 If it isn’t obvious, I am a big fan of using blogs and online resources for informational purposes.  I hear, on a regular basis, from many clients and lawyers who have benefited from my resources, which I’m proud of.  This information,  however, comes from years of experience and proven results.

The same isn’t true for other content floating around on the Internet.  Before believing something is true, take the time to learn where the content comes from.


Choosing a lawyer is an endeavor that should not be taken lightly.  Selecting a lawyer who simply tells you what you want to hear can have disastrous consequences down the road.  Picking an attorney with a reputable background and real understanding of the law is the best way for getting the legal help you need.